Enroll in our QuickBooks Training

Our prospective clients will be able to understand the basic functionalities of QuickBooks, an accounting solution designed to assist them in keeping track of their operating activities. The comprehensive training is designed to facilitate the workflow while assisting the clients in understanding the functionality of their daily operating activities.

QuickBooks Training

Our prospective clients will be able to understand the basic functionalities of the accounting software and their business. This comprehensive training is designed to facilitate the workflow while assisting the clients in understanding the functionality of their daily operating activities.


Incoming revenue is documented through invoices to account for all services and products sold within the business. This provides a clear picture of what funds are expected to facilitate planning. These invoices represent the receivables that are due to the client and the most reliable and accurate way to record them.


Payroll entries are inputted based on the business structure so they can be paid out through the payroll system on a weekly, monthly, or bimonthly basis. As a result, this payroll entry process properly accounts for taxes, gross wages, commissions, and miscellaneous deductions which include 401k, dental, and medical insurances.

Bank & Credit Reconciliation

Incoming revenue is documented through invoices to account for all services and products sold within the business. This provides a clear picture of what funds are expected to facilitate planning. These invoices represent the receivables that are due to the client and the most reliable and accurate way to record them.


Budgets provide a visual trend of a business’s performance by the end of each operating cycle. We proceed with an actual and pro format budget based on how the business is doing overall.

Bookkeeping Clean Up

Our firm assists clients in correcting prior inaccuracy in their books. Our clean-up service is designed for clients who have existing books that need to be restructured, fixed, or updated for accuracy purposes.

Sales & Use Tax

The sales and use tax are reported on a quarterly basis to the state agency. This requires accurate and meticulous recording in the accounting database for all businesses who sell goods. We provide prepare reports and assist clients for the filling process.

Check Run | AP

Weekly and monthly bills are collected and entered. We write and mail checks to vendors while tracking bills for duplicates.